What podcasts should I listen to?

There are a lot of podcasts out there – a lot. And not enough hours in the day to listen to them all. What’s an inquisitive person to do?

Lucky for you I’ve been sifting and listening to an inordinate amount of podcasts recently and I’ve come up with a useful shortlist of 5 to start with. I haven’t gone to the usuals,  Revisionist History, Invisibilia, Freakonomics etc I assume you already know about them. (If you don’t I would obviously recommend them!)

So here it is, the podcasts I’ve found inspiring recently for strategists whether you are in experiential or not.

Genuine X – If you love to geek out on the latest tech then this is for you. This podcast comes from Jack Morton’s Genuine X unit which is their innovation practice. Conversational, low key but really interesting discussions on cutting edge tech with the people and agencies actually doing it.

Catalyst – This experiential marketing podcast from Boston agency Cramer is a short shot of trends and observation. Great observations, useful application of trends and a light-hearted and chatty tone.

Akimbo – Seth Godin is such an accessible writer, speaker and podcaster too, it turns out. Akimbo episodes are focused on entrepreneurial spirit, marketing and self-development, served with a slice of story-telling and anecdotes from Godin’s extensive experience. Want to feel empowered and challenged? This is the podcast for you.

Thinking Allowed – This one is on the list because you should never only be listening to business podcasts. Thinking Allowed is from the BBC and covers all kinds of topics from detective fiction to the politics of memorials. Feed your brain with a diversity of subjects.

Adam Buxton – And second to that, have a laugh. Adam Buxton is a great interviewer and talks to some very interesting people in a funny and insightful way. Plus he writes funny jingles that punctuate the conversation.

Any strategist needs brain food. These podcasts are a good start.

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